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Filoha fireflies inspire and delight

August 1, 2022


The magical dance of fireflies in a tall patch of marshy grass at Filoha Meadows Nature Preserve has long been a source of fascination and delight for summer visitors to the property, but the lightning bugs aren’t just a treat for casual observers. They continue to spark interest among the scientific community.


Bobolinks! Surprise species at Glassier prompts action

July 5, 2022

A male Bobolink, mid-song, at Glassier Open Space. ©Dick Filby

The May 24 sighting of an unfamiliar bird at Glassier Open Space turned out to be the first step in an unexpected conservation effort for Pitkin County Open Space and Trails.


Humans come to aid of Emma Osprey chick

Since an Osprey chick was inadvertently dragged out of its nest at Emma Open Space on June 22, humans have taken over its care, with the goal of releasing it back into the wild. Still, its fate remains uncertain.
