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Farmer gives grains a go at Lazy Glen Open Space

September 25, 2020

A recent oat harvest at Pitkin County’s Lazy Glen Open Space wasn’t so much a signal of something new in local agriculture as it was a nod to something old.


Yep, Ospreys are piscivores

August 31, 2020

An Osprey chick at the Emma nest devours a trout.

It’s no secret that Ospreys as a species are piscivores (fish-eating animals), but just how much does a family of four consume? The Osprey nest at Emma Open Space was among the sites providing the answer this summer.


OST begins field testing on sagebrush restoration

Sagebrush test plots in the Brush Creek Valley.

Throughout the West, and in Pitkin County’s backyard, sagebrush shrublands have been lost, fragmented and altered by human activity. Getting them back isn’t easy, but Open Space and Trails has launched a study of potential methods to regenerate native sagebrush with the goal of restoring sagebrush on larger landscapes.
