Lower Brush Creek Geomorphological Assessment

June 26, 2023

Published: 2017

Resource Type: Document

Geomorphological assessment efforts on Brush Creek identify a patchwork of stream reaches
exhibiting both stable and dynamic characteristics. Although rapid geomorphic change on any stream
system is generally undesirable from a human management and infrastructure protection perspective;
the negative impacts of localized channel instabilities on Brush Creek through Sky Mountain Park
appear to be balanced by several mitigating factors. These factors include: the limited geographic scope
of instabilities, the presence of functional riparian and aquatic life communities that seem to be on
stable or positive trajectories consistent with regionally similar ecosystems, the lack of significant
threat to human infrastructure, and little evidence that localized degradation of channel form or
sediment dynamics are transferring additional negative impacts to the greater watershed. To the extent
that Brush Creek’s geomorphological condition continues to maintain functional sediment transport
capacity, riparian habitat creation and maintenance, and aquatic ecosystem support, aggressive
management intervention is not warranted

Author(s): Lotic Hydrological LLC.
Author Type: Other
Location Description: Brush Creek Watershed, Town of Snowmass Village