Published: 2018
Fens are peat-forming, ecologically important wetland resources that receive nutrients from sources other than precipitation: usually from upslope sources through drainage from surrounding mineral soils and from groundwater movement. The North Star fen is located in the North Star Nature Preserve Open Space just south of Aspen, Colorado. The objectives of this study included the following:
• Evaluate the groundwater and surface water hydrology of the fen throughout the growing
season and determine the extent to which organic soils are seasonally saturated;
• Determine the maximum depth of the organic material;
• Determine the age of the fen using radiocarbon age dating (this objective was added in October
2018); and
• Determine whether management activities, such as altering the water level of the fen by raising the headgate, filling in the drainage ditches, or installing a plug in the ditch downgradient of the
fen are needed to ensure that this ecologically important resource and its functions are maintained.